• Lembaga Pengarahan

    Arah, Kompas, Jejak, Sejarah, Lidik, Antara, Firman, Suara, Swara, Bahasa, Komunikasi, Udara, Angin, Kaze, Telekomunikasi, Telkom, Informasi, Komentar Read more

  • Kebutuhan dasar prioritas manusia adalah dan hanyalah…

    Makanan spiritual/rohani/firman dan jasmani/fisik/tubuh. Setelah itu Pakaian dan Tempat Tinggal serta Interaksi Sosial atau Komunikasi dan Berbagi kebaikan. Selebihnya bonus Tahta, Harta, dan Pasangan atau Kesejahteraan Keluarga dan Masyarakat sekitar. Read more

  • Para Penemu Lembaga Penerangan

    S1 Ir. Henry John Christian Peuru, founder of Yayasan Sinar Terang, Cahaya, Bulan, Bintang, Mentari, Pelangi, Petir, Halilintar, Api Penerus Yayasan Sinar, Prasetyo Peuru Henry Putra S2 … founder of Silau S3 … founder of Cahaya Professor … founder of Surya Lampu Lilin Pelita Lentera Mercusuar Obor Read more

  • Di sebuah Kedai

    Suhu di belahan tropis di sebuah kedai yang tampak eksklusif dengan dinding kayunya yang berbeda dengan restoran umumnya duduk seorang pria melakukan voice typing postingan untuk karyanya yang sekian banyak mungkin sudah ribuan namun banyak yang sudah terhapus juga karena tak ingin dipublis terkait aib-aib masa lalu lebih baik di seleksi karya mana yang patut… Read more

  • Sensasi Nyaman Ketenangan di Taman Kota Luwuk Pada Waktu Siang

    Sensasi angin adem menyapa memang sangat menyenangkan di bawah rindangnya pepohonan Kota Luwuk. Nikmati, syukuri apa yang ada. Waktu yang seharusnya panas namun sepoi-sepoi udara ditambah menggunakan Earphone sambil menulis rangkaian sajak kata berupa Puisi nan bisa dilagukan, aku mencintai-Mu TUHAN. Kota Luwuk, (Mon, 15/04/2024) Dr PRASETYO PEURU HENRY PUTRA. Read more

I love how Tyo Peuru share about his identity creation writing style! Look at his creative style words, so fun and enjoyable!

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Prasetyo Peuru Henry Putra

Hey there! I’m Tyo and I’m an Author and a songwriter. I’m also known as a founder of PT Lezat Pistos Indonesia and owner of Rumah Kreatif RPM.

For booking or related questions, contact Peuru.xyz.

About me
and the show

Podcasts combine elaborate and artistic sound production with thematic concerns ranging from scientific research to slice-of-life journalism. Many podcast series provide an associated website with links and show notes, and even a community forum dedicated to discussing the show’s content.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I cannot begin to express the positive impact this podcast has had on me. It has empowered me to step out of my comfort zone, pursue my dreams, and cultivate a mindset of growth and resilience. Through the stories shared on the show, I’ve learned that failure is not the end but rather a stepping stone to success.

— Tony Stork

Rating: 5 out of 5.

If you’re looking for a podcast that goes beyond surface-level conversations and dives deep into the heart of what it means to be human, this is it. It’s a transformative experience that will broaden your horizons, challenge your perspectives, and remind you of the power of empathy. Prepare to be captivated, enlightened, and inspired.

— Ray Cordova

Kedai RPM

We sell a delicouse food with cheap range cost IDR.


Jl. Tg. Jepara No.525 RT001/RW001, Karaton, Luwuk, Banggai, Central Sulawesi, 94711

WhatsApp: +6281287553107

Our Services

Service 1

Food and Baverage

Service 2


Service 3

Writing & Graphich Design

Service 4

Website & Education


Rumah Kreatif RPM
Kedai RPM, Jl. Tg. Jepara No.525
RT001/RW001, Karaton, Luwuk, Banggai

Central Sulawesi, 94711 Indonesia

A WordPress.com website